iShares Core MSCI World ETF USD Acc (EUR) | IWDA

Analyst Report
Morningstar's Take

by Morningstar Manager Research

A sound investment process and strong management team underpin iShares Core MSCI World ETF USD Acc's Morningstar Medalist Rating of Silver. The portfolio maintains a sizable cost advantage over competitors, priced within the lowest fee quintile among peers.

The strategy merits an Above Average Process Pillar rating. The strategy’s management team earns an Above Average People Pillar rating. The strategy's parent organization earns the firm an Above Average Parent Pillar rating. People, Process and Parent Pillar ratings for this strategy are indirectly assigned by a Morningstar analyst rather than algorithmically derived. Please see the notes following each pillar section for more details. The details of assigning methods can be found in each pillar section.

Morningstar Medalist Rating™
To find out how Morningstar rates a fund click here.
Morningstar Pillars
PeopleAbove Average
ParentAbove Average
ProcessAbove Average
Morningstar Medalist RatingMorningstar assigns the Medalist Rating to funds that are qualitatively and quantitatively assessed through manager research and algorithmic processes. The assessment turns on three key “pillars” – People, Process, and Parent – that yield an estimate of how well a fund will perform before fees but after adjusting for risk.
A fim de prover consistência para todos os relatórios fornecidos por diferentes Asset Managers, os data points calculados apresentados são gerados usando uma metodologia de cálculo proprietária da Morningstar, que pode ser conferida com mais detalhes em(
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